Name: Republic of Cuba
Capital City: Havana
Official language: Spanish
Population (2005): 11.2 million inhabitants. Havana has 2.2 million inhabitants
Ethnic composition: 65% whites, 24.9% mestizos (mixed), 10.1% blacks
Area: 109 886 km2
Length: 1 200 km
Currency: Cuban Peso (CUP)
Climate: Subtropical. Average summer temperature: 25°C (77°F). Average winter temperature: 22°C (72°F). Average relative humidity: 81%
Flag: It was hoisted for the first time in 1859 in Cardenas City
National anthem: The patriot Perucho Figueredo composed the music and wrote the lyrics in 1867
National flower: Butterfly Jasmine
National bird: Tocororo (Priotelus temnurus)
National tree: Royal Palm